Sabtu, 06 April 2019

Best Ways to Sell a Car in Australia While You're Living Abroad

Best Ways to Sell a Car in Australia While You're Living Abroad
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When you're away from home, it can be difficult to sell your car. Many people want to see the car, touch it and take it for a test drive. If you're living in another country while your car is in Australia, you're going to have to work creatively to sell your vehicle.

Family Members

You can ask a family member to sell the vehicle in your absence. They would have the keys to the vehicle and the ability to meet with potential buyers to let them look at the vehicle. Before leaving the country, you'll have to sign the title, so when your family member finds a potential buyer, the paperwork can be completed. Sometimes, potential buyers want to talk to the previous owner of the vehicle. In cases like this, you could set up a time to meet with the buyer on Skype to discuss the car in detail.


If you don't have family that can sell the car for you, you can contract with a car broker who will sell your car for you. A good broker will be able to sell your car without any additional work from you, but the broker will ask for a fee. They're putting a lot of work into selling your vehicle from advertising to being available for appointments and test drives. You want to be sure that the fee makes sense for the vehicle and amount of work involved though.

Dealer Sales

Options to consider when selling a car are bringing your car to a dealer before you leave the country. With a dealer sale as opposed to a private sale, you're losing some money on the process. While the dealer won't give you as much as a private sale would, you'll be able to sell it quickly before you begin travelling overseas. There are definitely trade-offs that occur with a dealer sale, but you can leave with money in your pocket to purchase a vehicle in your new location.

Buying a Car in Your New Location

When you start living abroad, you're worried about having a place to sleep at night. After that consideration is met, you'll need to think about how you'll commute to work, home and shopping. While public transportation in some parts of the world is the only way to travel, in other areas, you'll need a vehicle. That means buying a car.


You'll have the same problems in various parts of the world that you'd have at home, which is finding out the average price of the car and knowing your rights as a consumer. In areas of Europe, there are protections for consumers while other countries have no protection. You'll need to research your rights before making a purchase.


The taxes in many countries can be extreme, and many car dealers want to charge you more money by insisting on loans and financial services. You'll need to figure out how to get the dealer to accept cash, or learn the details of loans in that area of the country. It often helps to bring someone who you trust that is a native of the country.

Insurance and License

As with almost all countries, you'll need to have insurance on your vehicle before you can drive it on the road. The legal requirements for each country will vary, so research is the best way to find out what's required in your new country. While some areas don't require a new license, you might live in a country that doesn't transfer license information. You'll need to find out how long you can drive on your current license before having to get a new one.

Before going overseas, you should decide ways to sell your car that will get you the most money. A private sale will net you more cash than selling to a dealer, but it can create more of a hassle. The money can be used to purchase a car in your new country. Make sure you've researched the requirements of owning a vehicle there.

Boat Engine Maintenance

Boat Engine Maintenance
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Its hard being a boat engine! Unlike its automotive cousins, a boat engine is run at extremely high RPMs and under quite a load when in operation and it sits in storage a whole lot of the time. Its kind of the worst of both worlds. Todays marine engines are very well made and unlike their predecessors, really experience very few mechanical problems if they are properly maintained.

Water Pump Maintenance - Most marine engines are cooled by their pumping of lake or ocean water into the engine from a pickup in the lower unit of the outdrive or outboard engine. This water is circulated by a water pump that contains a rubber or plastic impeller or fan which pulls the water from the lake and pumps it up and through the water jacket of the engine to keep things cool. As you might expect, there are sometimes impurities in the water or the operator (somebody else, Im sure) that runs the lower unit aground and the impeller picks up sand, dirt or other grit. These foreign substances wear on the impeller and sometimes cause it to shred into pieces and fail. Also, if the engine is stored for a period of many months, sometimes the rubber of the impeller gets brittle and cracks up. In any event, it is simply a good idea to proactively replace the impeller every 3-4 boating seasons. If the impeller fails while you are running and you fail to notice the temperature rising, your engine can easily and quickly overheat and self destruct.

Oil Change Marine engines are typically not run more than 60-80 hours per year and, therefore, do not require oil changes very frequently. Usually, it is a good idea to change the oil (and filter) once per year at the end of the season. If the old, dirty oil is in the crankcase when the engine is stored in the off season, it can turn acid and damage the internal engine components it is supposed to protect. Of course, 2 stroke outboards have no crankcase and therefore no oil to change. On these applications, it certainly does pay to stabilize any fuel remaining in the tank and to fog the engine with fogging oil before storage.

Fuel Injectors Most newer marine engines are fuel injected and, when fuel is permitted to age and thicken during storage, the fuel injectors can easily become clogged and may fail at the start of the season. To avoid this occurrence, it is a good idea to run some fuel injector cleaner mixed into the last tank of fuel before the engine is put up for storage.

Battery If you take care of your boats battery, it will provide you with several years of good service. You should take care whenever you complete a voyage to ensure that all electrical components are turned off and, if you have a main battery switch, be certain that it is turned off. Whenever the boat is stored for any prolonged period of time, the battery cables should be disconnected.

Lower Unit Lubrication The lower part of your outdrive or outboard engine is filled with a lubricant fluid that keeps all of the moving parts properly lubricated and running smoothly. The reservoir should never contain any water in the fluid. The drive should be inspected at least annually to ensure that the drive is full of fluid and that no water is present. This is relatively simple and inexpensive to accomplish.

BPO in Poland and in Global Perspective

BPO in Poland and in Global Perspective
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BPO - Business Process Offshoring. Can somebody do it better? Can somebody do it cheaper? These are the basic questions that company's top management should ask themselves when going for BPO.

Few years ago Airline companies had everything organized themselves. They had their own air planes, airports, pilots, stewards, meals, sales offices etc. Somebody could have hardly imagined that it could had been done differently at that time. Nowadays, it is enough to open a sales office and build a brand name. Everything else may be outsourced.

(Acting Warsaw City President,
former Prime Minister)

This is just to give a basic example of BPO and what the II Forum - Outsourcing Roadshow was about (OCT 20th). Another Forum takes place in Cracow next month.

There is a high global competition in BPO market. Large, multinational corporations, and not them only, are eager to open their service centres anywhere where cost is low, labor is qualified and government supports investments. On the other hand, countries are trying to attract these corporations with different programs and supports. Why should the CEE region be winning these competitions, usualy worth millions of Euros? What does the region has more to offer than Asian countries?

The CEE region has many advantages. CEE countries are very well geographicaly situated. People are well educated and speak foreign languages. For American and Western European countries the cultural differences are not that big and the political and economical situation in these countries are stable. EU membership is another big advantage. "The region is winning over Asian countries because Asians think that confession to mistakes is a weakness", ads another good reason Ms. Anna Sienko - Stragegic Outsourcing Manager of IBM. And why did IBM decide for Polish Cracow?" IBM has chosen Poland, because the Polish students are winning all European IT Olympic games and Cracow is an academic and cultural centre of Poland" further explains Ms. Anna Sienko.

BPO growth brings a lot of business to developers and Facility Management companies. "Everything needs to be done fast, fast", describes Mr. Richard Petersen - Managing Partner of Cushman and Wakefield - the requirements of BPO investors. Investors want a high quality office space, but there are not so many experienced developers in Poland.

Cracow, Wroclaw and Warsaw- these are the most successful Polish cities in attracting the BPO investors. Poznan's authorities haven't even prepared any program for BPOs what explains why the investors aren't opening any BPO centres there.

BPOs stay here for 5 years. After this period they review their situation and decide whether they stay longer or move further east, says Mr. Richard Peterson. The labor cost is very much important for them.

As Andrzej Kaczmarek, Polish Minister of the Economy claims, by the year 2013 we can expect the economy to be based on know-how and the number of people employed in modern business centers, exceed current 15%. The key to achieve that should be investments into innovation. This turn in thinking resulted in redefining the value of investment, which these days is not measured in absolute numbers but in number of vacancies created as well as the share of BPO investments.

M.Kaszuba (Director FDI,
Ernst&Young, former Deputy
Minister of Economy),
A.Kaczmarek (Deputy Minister,
Ministry of Economy), S.Mikosz
(Spokesman, Roadshow Polska)

We can ask why is BPO investment so valuable? First of all, it's more durable then investment into factories - it's easier to relocate a factory then to relocate business centre based on human resources. Secondly, it's more beneficial for the local society as it requires investment into human resources - mainly fresh graduates, who will later on turn into qualified labor-force. Last not least, "money follow money" and clients of investors follow them.

Key factor of BPO investments is a well-defined system of incentives, which supports service centers and resource and development centers, says Marcin Kaszuba, Director FDI of Ernst and Young. Fortunately, this is what receives most budget contribution. Talking about BPO we should clarify a common perception of those services as call centers or similar sort of service centers. This is a misunderstanding. BPO are same important as accounting or other financial services. Thanks to BPO American companies can reduce their cost by 50%. This makes our region attractive enough to consider outsourcing their services here. Now, we should find out how to serve them better. In Philips we are currently facing a problem of finding low-qualified workers. We are missing 500 employees- says Mr. Kaszuba.

Investors also consider how often the programs and laws of the countries are changing. Ernst and Young was preparing a brochure for BPO investors. At the time when the brochure was about to be published, one third of the content was already out of date" says Mr. Kaszuba.

Changes in educational system are required, thinks Mr. Jeremi Mordasewicz - Advisor to the Board, Polish Confederation of Private Employers - Lewiatan. The educational boom in 90s happened mainly due to the private schools, the public sector has been short of sources.

There needs to be a dialogue between schools and companies. Companies are able to predict their future for up to 20 years ahead. Professors should ask the companies what kind of people and education they would require by than.

BPO has the highest employee fluctuations which reach up to 30 %. This is a result of the job itself and also of the high competition among the different service centers. High fluctuation results in salaries' inflation.

To sum up, the CEE region is very good in attracting foreign investors and there is still huge potential left for further growth. In the global outsourcing market, the region has only 1% share. But is it also good in preparing programs how to keep them in?

Poland shouldn't loose its investors in next 5 to 10 years as it has a huge untapped potential in comparison with other countries. Poland expects another 100 000 vacancies as a result of BPO.

Mr. Sebastian Jakubik - Director of Hewlett Packard - sees an opportunity in cooperation between the BPOs. HP has opened a financial and accounting centre for the whole HP group in Wroclaw and it also has launched Point" - Polish outsourcing initiative.

Roadshow Polska proved to be a huge success. The organizers deserve congratulations for a very interesting program, professional organization and execution of this event, attended by some leading top executives.

Brakes 4 Tell-Tale Signs That Could Save Your Life

Brakes 4 Tell-Tale Signs That Could Save Your Life
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Just like humans, a car will usually give tell-tale signs that there is something wrong with it. However, too many drivers ignore these cries for help, putting themselves, their family and others in danger. The braking system is by far the most important safety feature on any automobile. Major accidents and repairs can be avoided rather easily if the symptoms are recognized early on. Here are 4 easy ways to avoid a major brake issue and secure yours and your familys life.

4 Tell-Tale Signs:

1. Check em out! Every time your car is at the local mechanic, make sure your mechanic gives you a detailed inspection report on your brakes. Most automotive repair shops such as Midas, Pep Boys, Firestone, and Evans Tire offer a free brake check. Ensure that they measure the thickness of the friction material left on the brake pad, measure the width and the run-out of the rotors, inspect the brake lines and master cylinder for leaks and check for proper braking to avoid any potential hazards. As a consumer, a good way to keep an eye on your brake wear is to check the level of your brake fluid in the master cylinder. If the level is low then seek automotive help.

2. Listen to your car sing! Most of the time your car is very generous about letting you know the brakes are almost due for service. Unfortunately, this sign is often disregarded by most motorists today. Typically as brakes are starting to get low they will make a shuffling sound that is in the rhythm of the tires turning on the road. As you accelerate, the repetition of the noise will increase.

This will eventually lead to a high pitched squeal as the brakes wear down even farther. Brake manufacturers implement this safety feature attached to the brake pads known as the brake wear sensor. Its intention is to be loud and annoying in order to get your attention. How some people continue to drive with this annoyance is beyond me. If you hear this squeaking, consult your local mechanic shop immediately for a brake inspection.

When your brakes start to grind, youve officially procrastinated too long. When your brakes are grinding, the hard metal backing of the brake pad is dragging against the rotor. This equates to a larger repair bill as you will most likely be replacing your brake rotors as well. If this continues to be ignored, it could result in damage to your brake calipers and worse, your car.

3. Get in the groove! Have you ever hit the brakes and had your vehicle shake to a stop? We call this a "brake shake" in the automotive world. It happens when your brakes overheat causing your brake rotors to warp. As your brakes get thinner and thinner, there is less material to absorb the heat put off by them. As you drive your brakes will cool down, but this hot to cold to hot effect causes the brake rotors to warp. If you have a brake pulsation then immediately get your brakes checked out by an automotive service shop.

4. Dont forget the obvious! Fortunately, most consumers dont hesitate to see their mechanic with all brake related issues. A soft or squishy brake pedal could mean that the brake pads or getting low as well. It could also hint of a brake fluid leak or brake master cylinder problem as well. If there is no pedal or as mechanics call it, a "dead pedal", call a brake specialist immediately and do not drive your car!

Brief Overview of Cold Room Components and Parts

Brief Overview of Cold Room Components and Parts
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Cold rooms are used on large industrial level or big food storage units as they have a very generous capacity and can store large stocks of food.

General components of cold rooms:

Polyurethane panel. It includes the entire panel, ceiling panel and cold room panel, which is made from import pipeline, auto-perfusion foaming, import black material, double-side pressed colored steel panel with protective coating and the thickness is generally 100 mm, 120 mm and 150 mm.
Polyurethane foaming material that is used for filling the interstices between anatomizes.
Various steel panel folding and inside and outside wall.
Curtain, which is air wind.
Frozen door with standard manual.
The compressors and condensation units.
Ceiling unit cooler, copper pipes which have aluminum radiating fins, quality steel plate outer shell with plastic covering and electro thermal melting frost.
A Pipeline connecting refrigeration.
Refrigeration and expansion valve.
Refrigeration pipe along with heat preservation.
Machine units, unit coolers, starting wires and wire-threading pipes that are used in room lighting.
Complete electrical automatic control system.
Water-flowing pipes, melting frost, preserving cold electric warm wires and heat preservations in the melting water-flowing pipe.
R22 refrigerant or other refrigerants.

Some other auxiliary parts like airproof ointment, various types of steel, fasteners, rivet and consuming parts.

Main parts of cold room:


Cold storage compressors have a compact frame, wear well and wide-ranging applications. Refrigerant compressor adopts an efficient condenser and gives full play to the condenser of the effect of heat transfer. They adopt an advanced level of technology and equipment for production to make sure a reliable manufacturing quality and dry filter, liquid screen, hand valve, solenoid valves and electrical control box according to the requirement.

Air-cooler condenser:

The speed of air-cooled condenser is low and it has big air volume and high efficiency of the blower. The air-cooled condensers have low noise and it works smoothly. The air cooled condensers make use of independent switch, are safe and also convenient. Fans have high waterproof motor and has long life. These condensers use high-grade seamless pipe, long life and they do not corrode easily. The coil out-frame is produced by high quality steel plate which has high strength, are corrosion resistant an easy to assemble.

Ceiling unit cooler:

It uses thin walled brass and the punching the second flanging create a highly efficient aluminum fins from the mechanical expanding. They have a high efficiency of heat conduction and uses anti-moisture fan, low temperature resistant, air volume, low noise and reliable operation. It uses stainless steel tube electric defrosting system, coil tube which is electrically heated. It uses quality steel panel and spray technology and it is corrosion resistant.

Cold air wind curtain:

It is installed in the top of the door, blow lower temperature to divide the air in an out of the room through which the cold air loss can be avoided. It is favored by many users because of its nice, slick design, reliability and better price.

Electronic control box:

Electronic control boxes can be measured over the level of the liquid, weight and temperature for several objects. They have a transfinite alarm function along with high safety. They match 380 V or 220 V external socket with the task of a small distribution electronic box.

Cold storage door:

High quality materials are used for cold storage door and the overall framework of the entire closed structure, rigid polyurethane foam, external and internal review of cold storage gate which is according to the requirements and selections of the customer like painted color steel or an aluminum or galvanized panel etc. refrigerator doors with a rational structure, moisture absorption, devoid of rust, light weight, good insulation properties, aesthetics an ideal frozen door.

Bring Your Pupils Face to Face with History in Pompeii

Bring Your Pupils Face to Face with History in Pompeii
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One of the hardest elements of teaching history, Classics, or ancient languages can be getting a class to really connect with the subject matter. Some students struggle with making the connection between their own lives and those of people who have been dead for thousands of years, and as a result fail to engage properly with these fascinating subjects.
One of the ways to alter this mindset is to take your pupils to the historic towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum so that they can see for themselves how normal and like them these ancient people really were.

The Real Life Drama of Pompeii

While students may get excited about the drama and horror of the eruption of Vesuvius, actually what many young people find most haunting about visiting Pompeii is the insight it gives into day-to-day life in 79 AD. It is the trivial, almost mundane, details that become the most fascinating for students visiting Pompeii, and the neighbouring town of Herculaneum. Items like beds, food, and bowls remain as they would have been at the moment the volcano erupted and students are able to see these ancient civilisations as similar to their own.

The plaster casts of the bodies found at the site are a brutal reminder of how suddenly life in the city was ended; they tend to have a profound effect on young minds. An absorbing insight into Roman culture is given by the beautiful frescos perfectly preserved within the villas of these towns. Art students and historians alike will marvel at the scenes of life in the first century.

On the tours we organise as part of your school trip, you and your students will be taken around these ancient sites by expert guides who will be able to answer all your classs questions. As well as exploring Pompeii and Herculaneum, your group will get to see the towering form of Vesuvius itself so that they can imagine the moment when the volcano began to show signs of instability and eruption.

Naples and Beyond

Of course, this is more than just a historic school trip. Those teaching ancient languages will be able to highlight how Latin has developed into modern Italian as they explore the bustling modern city of Naples. The Bay of Naples is a fascinating part of Italy in its own right, so you and your group may well choose to spend a day or two exploring the bay and learning more about modern life in Italy.

Links to Modern Curricula

Whether you are teaching Ancient History, Latin, Italian, Classics, or Art History, this trip to Naples and Pompeii can be tailored to tie in to your curriculum. The purpose behind the school trip is the same, no matter what the discipline: to bring your teaching off the page and into the sensory world so that it becomes more real, and more exciting, for each of your students.

Author Plate

John Gardiner is the Managing Director of The School Travel Company, a tour operator specialising in school trip itineraries for school and youth groups to the UK, Europe and beyond. As a father and avid traveller, John is very passionate about providing students with valuable and engaging learning experiences outside of the classroom. By sharing his expert advice with teachers, he allows them to inspire their students and bring their studies to life.

Build your garage's reputation on the quality of your automotive lift service

Build your garage's reputation on the quality of your automotive lift service
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There are many procedures to follow and many different tools to use when inspecting or repairing an automobile. Doing a thorough job of inspecting and repairing a vehicle requires more than just looking under the hood. Of course, anyone who works in automotive repair knows this. And they know that providing an automotive lift service is one of the most important parts of servicing a vehicle. Incorporating an auto lift repair & service is the best way to ensure a vehicle is properly inspected and thoroughly restored.

If you want to build a reputation as providing the highest quality automotive repair, then you must have an auto lift repair and service that is second-to-none. The best way to ensure your mechanics are able to examine, diagnose, and repair vehicles in a safe and timely manner is to have an automotive lift service. The days of automotive repairman sliding under a vehicle with raggedy sliding boards are over. In the 21st century people want to see a repair service that uses state-of-the-art equipment.

To be sure, you may already offer an automotive lift service; but the question you must ask yourself is, is it good enough? Technological advances are being made all the time in the equipment used in an automotive lift service. You don't want to be left behind. In order to remain competitive you need to have the tools and equipment that will allow you to enhance the value of your auto lift repair and service. This can only be done by investing in the best equipment available.

Indeed, it is important to remember that automotive lift service equipment is an investment just like any other you've made or plan on making to grow your business. Your auto repair service can only grow on the strength of its reputation and an increase in the number of new customers you attract. An automotive lift service may seem like a minor thing, but it can mean all the difference between a vehicle that has been properly looked at and repaired, with a full view of all the various parts, gears, and combinations under the vehicle, and one that has only been briefly scanned and not thoroughly serviced. A repair shop in which vehicles are fixed in the first instance tends to do much better than one in which drivers have to return again and again because of the same problem.

Fortunately, finding the best in equipment for an automotive lift service is not that difficult. And the place to begin your search is on the worldwide web. The web gives you the ability to bring many of the vendors selling this kind of equipment to you. This will give you to opportunity to compare the price and value of the many firms offering this kind of equipment. Using the web will also enable you to find out the reputation of a firm. The best predictor of future performance is past performance. And the firm with a proven record of delivering high customer satisfaction is the one most likely to meet your needs and expectations.

Best Ways to Sell a Car in Australia While You're Living Abroad

Image source: When you're away from home...